Seafood Humidification
Fresh seafood displays should be as attractive to customers as possible, in order to maximise the seafood department’s sales and profits. As most seafood is sold by weight, it is necessary to minimise losses from dehydration.
Seafood Weight Loss is cut by More Than Half
Service case humidification or ice table misting will reduce seafood weight loss by 50%. Depending upon the type of seafood, weight loss typically ranges from 1% – 8%. Since seafood is generally sold by weight, controlling these losses can add up to large profits.
Shows “Attention to Quality” While Creating
Improves Appearance of Seafood Display
When seafood displays are misted or humidified, there is an amazing impact on the appearance of the product. This is interpreted by the customer as freshness and quality and makes a lasting favourable impression of the entire retail operation. Miatech’s systems will typically double the saleable life of your seafood.
Solutions for Any Application
Whether ice tables or service cases, your Miatech dealer can adapt our technology to almost any application.
Odour Reduction
While weight loss and product appearance are the primary reason for purchasing a Miatech humidification system for your seafood display, a pleasant side-effect is the reduction of unpleasant odours that can emanate from display cases or ice tables.
Humidity Control for Post-harvest
Product Misting
Humidity Control for Ripening Rooms
Speak to the AUSPAC Biotechnologies team today!
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